had to go with a real picture, my cartoonized version just doesn't capture it right
The other week, Finley’s tummy wasn’t in a good mood. She was acting normal, her usual happy self, except when it came to potty time. At times it’s the only way you’ll know that something is wrong and in this case her poop definitely wasn’t normal. I became somewhat of a poop aficionado that week, too bad that’s not something I can put on my resume during this job hunt, although I’m sure it would get a chuckle out of someone along the line.

After a couple days, she wasn’t getting much better so we called the vet’s office for their help. At first, I had thought that maybe it was the leaves that she played in and accidently ate a few or she got into something and I didn’t notice and that it was just working its way through her system but after two days, I was worried. The suggestion we got from the veterinary technician was to skip one of the meals (since she’s small) and give her some Pepto Bismol. Next time I’m going to suggest she come over to do it herself - who would have thunk that dogs don’t like Pepto.  We were supposed to give her a little over a tablespoon up to three times in a day. I gave up after the second time and I don’t wish to repeat that anytime soon.

I had never tasted Pepto, so after going to the store to get some, I tried it. Tastes pretty much like those pink mint things that I loved as a kid, I’m not so sure I’d like them today cause that Pepto was gross. I put some on my finger to see if Finley would lick it. She sniffed it and took a small lick and then stuck her nose up at it. It was then I knew this was not going to be easy.

I was able to force her mouth open and get a tablespoon of it down...or most of it. Some of it ended up in the fur around her mouth. Overall, I’d call it a success. We had called the vet in the evening, so the second dose would fall at bedtime since Fin and I go to bed late, around 2-3am.

Trust me, 2am forced Pepto feedings don’t go well, especially when the dog wises up.  So I go about getting it measured out and put it in this little cup thing I had used previously, the results weren’t so bad so I figured I’d just do the same thing again. Oh how wrong I was.

I sit down with her in my lap and I have the Pepto all ready to go on the counter next to me. She knows what’s going on now, so getting and keeping her mouth open nearly causes me to lose a finger. After fighting her, I start pouring it down her gullet. I think I’m having some success and that’s when I notice the pink nightmare.  She started twisting and flaying while I was pouring and it ended up all over her. I didn’t get much on me but it was on her snout fur, a little on her chest but most of it ended up on her back. Yes, her back.

Now anyone who thinks cleanup would be quick is sadly mistaken. Getting Pepto Bismol out of dog fur is darn near impossible and made worse by the late hour. Using a wet paper towel doesn’t work and neither does dumping water over the spot in hopes that it will wash out. Scrubbing the fur with shampoo, not once but twice, was the only way to get it out. This results in a very unhappy doggie that almost attacked the hair dryer when I attempted to dry her since we were going to bed. I ended up letting her go to bed wet, it was 3:00 in the morning by that time and I just didn’t care anymore, if my sheets and blankets got wet.

By the way, I did end up feeding her another tablespoon before cleaning her up. Next time maybe I’ll use a needleless syringe for this endeavour.